Under overall supervision of the FAO Representative in Pakistan (FAOR), and in close coordination with Assistant FAO Representative (Program), Senior Project Officer and Senior Horticulture Specialist, the incumbent will work under direct supervision of District Team Leader and in close collaboration with sectoral specialists and project team in performance of the following tasks and duties
Technical Focus
- Facilitate field level activities related to mobilization, formation and facilitation of FFS in the target villages in close coordination with agriculture department or partner organizations (if any);
- Conduct regular field visits of the project area and provide guidance and recommendation for appropriate crops, vegetables and livestock area specific interventions for establishment of FFS.
- Support district lead for maintaining meaningful working relation with local government agriculture department for implementation of community level activities
Tasks And Responsibilities
- Facilitate the project target villages’ selection process under guidance of national, provincial and district lead.
- Facilitate field level interventions for establishment of Farmer Field Schools;
- Facilitate district lead/supervisor preparation and completion of field work plan, agriculture inputs procurement plan, logistic and admin support etc.
- Facilitate and participate capacity building events/ trainings on selected Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRA) practices, facilitation skills, farmer training curricula, On Farm Water Management (OFWM), use of ICT, monitoring methods, and others.
- Facilitate local level ToT for extension officers, staff and/or employees from partner organisations (entities) on CRA and OFWM. Apart from this facilitate organising season long Training of Farmer Facilitators
- Provide technical backstopping to run the FFSs and facilitate ongoing project related activities in the selected districts;
- Closely work with district lead/ supervisor and sectoral specialist for collection and compilation of all the information related withFFS work, economic analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis related data from respective district;
- Facilitate field activities in liaison and coordination with district administration, I/NGOs, private sector companies, academia, research institutions and women and men farmer organizations;
- Assist district lead and sectoral specialist in the day-to-day monitoring of FFS. interventions and compile monthly monitoring sheets (online/offline);
- Ensure timely submission of FFS monthly work plan and progress reports (monthly, quarterly, and final) to supervisor;
- Perform any other associated task as assigned by management.