Associate Software Engineer



Grayhat aims to significantly influence the direction of technology around the world, and provide solutions that people can use every day. Currently, the business develops solutions for startups, looking to make an impact on the market with fresh concepts and original products. At Grayhat, we foster a culture that is based on invention, originality, and forward-thinking. We want to help create a wonderful, bright future for upcoming generations.


Software Engineer Level: Associate or 1 at max



  • Create code for frontend in suitable frameworks, which:

* Can be reused.

* Fulfills the use-case.

* Good architecture (no spaghetti code)

* Stable and safe

* Results in beautiful and usable applications

* Responsive, and multi-platform


  • Collaborate and communicate with teammates.
  • Design architectures and lead projects, by converting requirements and milestones into actionable steps, and executing them efficiently, with high quality and on time.
  • Facilitate decision-making, judgment, resolve constraints and produce high-quality program execution and delivery.



Skills required:

  • Excellent UI skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to build a design system
  • Knowledge of 3d, computer graphics
  • Tech skills:
  • React
  • NextJS
  • ThreeJS
  • Any one animation library from the following: GSAP, Framer-Motion
  • Any one headless UI library: Base UI, Radix
  • Any one complete library: MUI, AntD

Organization Grayhat
Industry IT / Telecom / Software Jobs
Occupational Category Associate Software Engineer
Job Location Islamabad,Pakistan
Shift Type Morning
Job Type Full Time
Gender No Preference
Career Level Intermediate
Experience 2 Years
Posted at 2024-07-27 10:42 am
Expires on 2025-03-25